Welcome to my ELJAY, folks! I'm just a southern U.S. girl posting art where people can enjoy it. I post sketches here too sometimes, mostly stuff I don't post on DA. I am an equel opportunity 'pairing' sort so I like Slash/Gen/Het in many fandoms. Right now I am tooootally addicted to Supernatural. So thats mostly what you'll see here.

Here for my fanart?
Keep in mind any art above the PG-13 rating will be f-locked. You'll have to be on my friends list to see.

Friending Policy
If you friend me I will friend you back! But this also means I may be commenting on your journal posts, I'm a really talkative person so just be prepared. And I apologize in advance!
Icon Request Post
This is currently f-locked. BUT all you have to do is add me and you can request any icon you want. I hand draw them so the turn around time is really slow but I do get around to them eventually.

Podfic Covers for Charity
I do podfic covers for Charity now. This means I'll do a 300x300 cover in exchange for a $20 donation to one of the charities I list. You can contact me at daunt@dauntingfire.com for more
info OR PM me here.

Finding My Art
I'm trying really hard to organize all my fanart in my journal. But for right now I have tags on most everything.

Icon Request Post On DeviantArt Dauntingfire.com
profile layout by paralyzing_time